A few days back, the Balochistan Public Service Commission extended the application submission dates for two Advertisements. If you have read this news, you will know that applying dates for the following advertisements have been extended until 31st August 2022.
Before the extension, the applicants could apply for the Advertisement 10/2022 till 2nd August 2022 and for Advertisement 11/2022 by 9th August 2022. But now, the management has decided to extend the already extended application last date. Read the paragraph below to find the new extension in the closing dates for the above advertisements.
New Application Submission Date for BPSC Advertisement 10/2022 & 11/2022
According to the BPSC notification, the applicants willing to apply for the Advertisement 10/2022 & 11/2022 can apply till 12th September 2022. The contenders who have already applied for the above Advertisements don’t need to apply again. Visit our website regularly for all the details about BPSC jobs, exams/interview schedules, and results.