AJKPSC Syllabus for Subject Specialists of Different Subjects Under Education Department


Have you applied for the AJKPSC Subject Specialist post, and now you are looking for the AJKPSC syllabus for the mentioned posts? From here, you will get the detailed syllabus of the Subject Specialist position for the following subjects. Senior Teacher General Science Biology The given syllabus has complete details with marks distribution. Thus, visit … Read more

AJKPSC Syllabus for Research Officer, Central Design Department and Prosecuting Inspector

AJKPSC Syllabus for Research Officer and Prosecuting inspector

Welcome to the website. Are you looking for the AJKPSC syllabus for the announced posts? From here, you will get the syllabus of all positions having the complete details reading topics and marks. Thus, visit our website for the full details. However, through this article, you will see the entire syllabus for the following job … Read more

AJKPSC Syllabus for Tehsil Qazi, Assistant Director and Ehtesab Bureau

AJKPSC Syllabus for Tehsil Qazi and Assistant Director Ehtesab Bureau

Are you looking for the AJKPSC detailed and authentic syllabus for announced positions under different advertisements or generally? If yes, then you will find all your required data from our website. Here, you will see the complete syllabus for the following positions announced by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission. Assistant Director, Ehtesab … Read more

AJKPSC Syllabus for Civil Judges Cum Judicial Magistrates

AJKPSC Syllabus for Civil Judges

Are you looking for a detailed and authentic syllabus for the AJKPSC Civil Judges positions? Yes, candidates can get the complete syllabus for the civil judges’ exams from our website. However, you can trust our website as we gathered exclusive data from authentic sources. However, for your satisfaction, you can also see the online syllabus … Read more

AJKPSC Syllabus for ASP/ AC and Section Officer/Project Manager Post (BPS-17)

AJKPSC Syllabus for (BPS-17) Post

Welcome to our website. From here, you will get the syllabus of various posts announced by the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission. However, through this article, you will see the detailed syllabus for the following job positions. Management Group (Assistant Commissioner) Assistant Superintendent of Police Section Officer Misc. Non-technical General Cadre Post (BPS-17) … Read more